Reiki Dynamic Healing by Vishu Singh. Powered by Blogger.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

What is Attunement

Question : What is an Attunement ? Why is it important ? How does it works ??
a) Energy Body 
b) Chakras and there states in bodyc) Aura The energy body of a Meditator is very strong as compared to a normal body because the sadhak can experience his/her energy body and take care of it in very exact manner B.) Chakras and there state in our body : Now depending upon the karmic state of a person or the influences he is reciving from his surrounding the chakras can be in The stated of these chakras can create health , wealth , harmony , prosperity , love and everything we seek to desire if they work in normal manner and So how chakras of a Yogi is different from an individual C.) Aura :Now again Aura of a yogi is healed and balanced as compared to a Normal person Now here is the answer Importance of Attunement How does attunement work :How many types of attunemet is there :a. In person - master and the student sit in a ceremony together b. From Distance - Master and Student Sit Together but in Different Places ... the distance can be in terms of states and even countries , but distance does not countHow does Distance Attunement works ?? Question :Question : From where can we get an attunement Do attunement from youtube videos works ????Here I also want you all to know that programming energies to send in past and future is also possible , We all can do it with our prayers and our energies , and most important - we all go through certain experiences and Questions in our mind when we do any or evey spiritual sadhana and hence we need support and answers because without them it's very difficult to grow .  you can always feel free to contact me  @

Answer : To answer this question, we need to understand about some basic phenomenon such as 

A. ) Energy body : We all have a Energy body , our body is covered with an invisible layer of energy which holds our vibrations and preserve and protect our body 

We all have 112+2 energy centre in our boday , The act as a subway to the flow of our energies in our body.
Out of 112 , there are 7 major centers in Our body named from top to bottom as 
1. Crown chakra 
2. 3rd eye chakra 
3. Throat Chakra
4. Heart Chakra
5. Solar plexuc Chakra
6. Sacral Chakra 
7. Base Chakra
These all chakras are (For our convenience ) said to move in clockwise direction in a healthy individual , such that the state of these chakras decide quality of our life in this external world

a. Dormant state : The chakras works with very minimum amount of energy
b. Stegnant State : The chakras have stopped moving and there is a blockage in there movement .
c. Reverse state : The chakras have started moving in the opposite direction than they are supposed to be 

any deviations in there movement can lead to misery , badluck , ill health , loss etc.

well yogi analyse them and take care of them and a normal person is not able to do that 

Aura is the expression our energy state of body , i have placed it in a different category because , We have abilities to read , analyse and heal our auras ,
we all can see a sort of light at back of some gurus , jesus or divine being - This in short is expression of there aura 

Attunement is a process by which a Master , analyse the aura , energy body and chakras of his student and heal and energies them . In this process the Master uses his own energy to make a positive effect on his student body which also means that a part of master energy is gifted to his student .

There are several ways we can move forward in our spiritual journey alone , but it would be very slow .
we cannot simply walk a path we do not know and we don't have any idea where are we going . this is the main reason majority of us is afraid to walk in this path 
By getting help from other being is a product of deep love and compassion which humanity holds 
i personally struggled with doing many tricks to heal my live and failed because i didn't knew why , what and when of my life 

This is a mystical dimension , The guru transmit his energies into his students , bless his energy body and uplift his/her spiritual powers and make sure that he continue a process to maintian the state of balance otherwise the chakras and energy can again get weak and dis-balanced 

attunement can be given in two ways :

Energies are beyond space and time , we can heal each other from a distance because in cosmic realm as we are already connected to each other .
This phenomenon teach us about 
imponderabilia for example There is no string attached to Moon and earth , but still our sea tides are caused due to Moons vibrations 
(If moon can make a ocean move remember , we are also 70% water)

how many types of reiki one can learn
There are several types of reiki modalities one can learn 

You can take attunement from a Practicing yogi only , and the yogi can also attune you in the energy system he is titled to give attunement respectively .

well there is differene between an delusion and actual experience of energy , I personally took it traditionally and that's how it works for me 
I tried to analyse some videos though but all i could get was a fake disguise in order to get some likes on his/her video
i personally loose my own energies when i give a attunement ,which means my sadhana of many weeks is taken away from me during an attunement thats why i ask for energy exchange , why would i give it away to a person i never saw and i cannot heal anyone without knowing about them.

Some Advance meditators are able to Get answers just by themselves , but reaching that stage need continuous practice and dedication . 

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