Reiki Dynamic Healing by Vishu Singh. Powered by Blogger.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked questions about Reiki

1.What is Reiki?
2. How does Energy healing works?
3. How is it Aired/ How it is done?
4. How to receive the Healing Energies? what is "chakra"?
5. what will happen , how do i know it works ?
6. Can i send reiki too ?
7. what is difference between a normal guy and a reiki person ?
8. What is the use of meditation Codes Given to us ?
9. What is the use of Affirmations ?
10. How can I worship the Divine/ Archangel/ Angels / Divine Beings / Ascended masters?
11. Should I Listen to the Healing music you gave me , or should I just chant the affirmations given by you during the meditation hours?
12. If I do Meditation with you... Will I get Job / will I Be healthy / will I become beautiful / Will people love me ....Etc ?
13. So what should I do I don't know what to do. I never did any meditation 
16. I sleep in between the session , is it good or bad - What should I do ?  
17. Is is necessary to make Energy Exchanges ? Why is it always money ?
18. Why you don't allow healing Requests in your group you provide healing of all kinds but why are they limited to certain day?

1.What is Reiki ?

Answer: Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."

A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results.

Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.

An amazingly simple technique to learn, the ability to use Reiki is not taught in the usual sense, but is transferred to the student during a Reiki class. This ability is passed on during an "attunement" given by a Reiki master and allows the student to tap into an unlimited supply of "life force energy" to improve one's health and enhance the quality of life.

Reiki is energy healing modality, some call it mother divine energy some call it universal energy , some call it the art of blessing.

2. How does Energy healing works ?

Answer : we all have a energy body (Now we have technology to test our Chakras and energy through scanning also)

when we develop obstacle in energy pathway of our body we develop blockages ,
A.) IN physical plane blockage create diseases
B.) in Emotional plane they create various mind and emotional issues
C.) in Karmic plane they create all sort of obstacle to live peaceful life such as money blocks , debts etc

So during a healing session a Reiki practitioner Uses Universal life force and divert the Universal life for energy into Receiver body which removes all the blockages from the receiver body and help him/her in phycial , Emotional and karmic levels .

3. How is it Aired/ How it is done

Answer : FIrst of All Reiki Healing is a form of Energy healing which happens between a Reiki Practitioner and a Receiver(Client)

Second - Permission for Healing is Required

Third - A appropriate time is Decided to do the Session where Client is given guidance and Steps to receive the energy in advance .

Its a phenomenon of our cosmos , Reiki healing can be done in person(Physical Appointment)
and it can also be done from whatever Distance (Astral Appointment) where both the practitioner and client meet energetically

Physical appointment is equally important to the Astral Appointment and yes both works with same results every time , we can receive healing irrespective of our current location and time - as the energies cannot be limited or bounded to time and space ( We can pray for our future, Present , we can pray to heal our past

4. How to receive the Healing Energies? what is "chakra"?

Answer :

Reiki healing works between Two Channels

A. Sender ( Reiki Healer)

B. Receiver ( Person having Reiki treatment)

To Receive healing Here are few Guidelines

Firstly see the time and date of the transmission (From when and till when )

Sit comfortably with spine straight , do not move - learn the code or affirmation or both already given

Remain still and calm for the duration of the transmission

(Separate Instructions will be given to receiver Before during and after treatment )

Chakras are the meridian center in our body - they are the pathway in our body where energy flows systematically , and blockage in the pathway can create trouble in life of an individual - physical , mental, emotional or social

Healing and cleaning the chakras bring abundance , prosperity , harmony , love , health and wisdom to a person

5. what will happen , how do i know it works ?

Answer : Some people will feel some heaviness or pulsation on the head , some will experience tingling sensations on hands and other part of the body , some may experience that someone is touching them , depends upon the awareness of the receiver there are numerous experiences

6. Can i send reiki too ?

Reiki basically Needs learning and Attunements , as it uses different Symbols , mantras and Hand position to do it , We cannot do it without learning

To people doing Spiritual practices it depends upon the level of energies and clearance of chakras you maintain , But still you will need to know and learn the use of Mantras , Symbols , Hand positions and rituals . Moreover Reiki is a Recognised Energy Healing System and a person should have a certificate if he/she want to practice reiki .

so you have to be a trained professional if you want to practice reiki as some countries dont allow people to use reiki without basic prior knowledge

7. what is difference between a normal guy and a reiki person ?

Answer : its totally depend upon his practice

Those who practice daily have a bliss in themselves , a sharper mind , a deeper understanding to the meaning of life , A desire to love each and every part of the divine , In other words it makes you conscious - the more conscious you become the more successful you get

8. What is the use of meditation Codes Given to us ?

Answer - When we pray or use any energy work we attract two type of energies

A. Simple Energies - we Also call them Positive energies as they are east to absorb without giving any kind of discomfort to us

B. Complex energies - We often use the word negative for them but in real sense they are not , it's just that we feel discomfortable to receive them

So in order to protect my healing frequencies I cover them in Layers And make CHI (Energy ) Ball

These codes act as a password for you to receive the soft energies

9. What is the use of Affirmations ?

Answer - Affirmation have 2 major roles

A. To increase the flow of blessing you receive during the session

B. To prevent your mind from wandering off as if you are new to meditation you will get random thoughts which will prevent you from meditation . 

For Routine Meditations and healings I request healers to please join me on my daily group meditation , Blessings !!

10. How can I worship the Divine/ Archangel/ Angels / Divine Beings / Ascended Masters?

Ans - Those who have Diksha or Attunement can Pray to The divine beings because each of the Divine have a certain way of worship and have to be learned systematically

11. Should I Listen to the Healing music you gave me , or should I just chant the affirmations given by you during the meditation hours?

Ans - You have to Do both simultaneously

12. If I do Meditation with you... Will I get Job / will I Be healthy / will I become beautiful / Will people love me ....Etc ?

Well You haven't tried anything and you want result in advance , This is essentially because of Two reasons

1. You think Meditate is either a fraud thing or it is very easy and any body can do it whenever he/she want and you have never done it

But watching a sport is very easy than playing it , You may think climbing a mountain is damn easy when you see a mountain man , Well try one day you will know

2. You think divine is what easy to catch , So essentially you want to make him your servant by fulfilling your desires before you put any actual effort to please him

In both the cases , with all my 20 years experience I can tell you divine is a very pure accomplishment and you cannot reach him until you are pure yourself .

But I can assure that doing meditation on daily basis will attract Luck , Prosperity , Abundance , Love and prosperity in your life for sure , It may be a slow or a fast process depending upon your karma .

13. So what should I do I don't know what to do. I never did any meditation 

Answer - First thing is to start doing meditation and sadhana, because getting grace is of divine is not a one day magic , some will make it happen in a moment , Some weeks, Some months and for some it may take years , depending upon the state of your Body and Soul purity .


Well I took 20 years to reach here and I still invest 6 hours of daily practice to stay this way , if you meet someone who can make it without any effort than please do tell me , I have a lot of money to give him if he could make me divine without doing anything .

People now a days trap people doing fake promises , but my purpose is to enlighten people I want you to taste pure spiritual powers by yourself rather than depending upon others .

15. Why am i suffering - Why Do i have Diseases why i am suffering from Loss in terms of Health , wealth and love

We Attract our life situations , Depends directly upton the way we Vibrate , In other words hapiness and misery are two different vibrations and we can attract both by Doing few things conciously and unconciously ,

Some of are doing good karma unconciously and are living happily .

But idea of spurituality is to mould our life conciously .

There are certain sadhana which can attract immense good luck and Fortune , but they take time to learn and To start working for us .

16. I sleep in between the session , is it good or bad - What should I do ? 

Ans - This means your body want healing and Grace , you feel very comfortable and your body unrgoes deep stage of healing . This will continue until your body heals completely after that you will be full of divine energies in you

17. Is is necessary to make Energy Exchanges ? Why is it always money ?

Ans - I don't , I Provide daily Free healings to people twice or thrice each day since 5 years now . I do not make it compulsory for everyone , If you have capacity to do it I would be very happy and if do not have the capacity than there is no need . I am very use to have gifts from my well wisher from India , but for my well wishes overseas sending me Gifts is very costly due to taxes , So they help with energy exchange they feel is good for them .

Well I essentially ask for Energy Exchanges because I sometimes have to Postpone my works for my sadhanas which I share with you and I utilize my Money for my spiritual journeys and buying Products of my Tantras , If I have to do my meditation alone I might not need others help but I personally Don't depend upon any person to give me anything for my life . I Only pray to divine and he take care of the rest - Divine has never let me down he send me Beautiful and Benevolent people who always share there hard earned money indirectly or indirectly as Energy Exchange without even questioning .

18. Why you don't allow healing Requests in your group you provide healing of all kinds but why are they limited to certain day?

You have to understand this - Healing is not a one day activity and All the Situation we go through Are influence by Two factors

A) Our Chakras Vibration Frequency

B) Planets Vibration Frequency

Which means that 90% of our life depends upon the Absorption of planets Vibrations , Because planets influence our body energies Directly and This is very important aspect of healing , Even Master healers don't know this by experience , forget about layman's knowledge

So that's been said I don't force anything on anybody and I don't waste my energies or I don't want to transfuse Energy without divine Guidance , Divine has already given all the parameters and all the Syllabus for you to learn , we all need to just become enlighten to read it .

Receiving Free and paid healing will make society dependent , only Empowering them will uplift there soul completely . This is my only purpose

You can always feel free to contact me  @
+91-8950091541 (WhatsApp)

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