Reiki Dynamic Healing by Vishu Singh. Powered by Blogger.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Mentor Life Story Section - Vishu


Name : Dr. Vishwajeet Singh  aka Grandmaster Vishu 

Age : 30 Years 

Moon Sign (Vedic) : Sagittarius

Birthday : August 30 

Profession : Doctor ( Homeopathy )

Life coach 


NLP Teacher 

Meditator and Yoga Practitioner

Reiki Grandmaster , Energy Healer and Empath 

Welcome to my Life !!


I am feeling very happy and full of joy as I write this , Reiki is flowing very strongly from my hands and body because my energy want  to have a identity of my own name as I feel ready today that the universe want to work through me and I accept the energy to flow and work through me  , So lets Start from the beginning.

Being born in India and in the middle class family I enjoyed my life as a child , I use to live in the capital of my country and had an amazing family , Most beautiful Mother and Extra Caring Dad , My first love and my inspiration - My Grandmother and My grandfather . We use to live in a combined family with my uncle and his beautiful family . Both my father and My father big Brother(Uncle) were having good posts and my favorite time pass in childhood was always discovery channel , animal planet and cartoon network and i still love cartoon and animated movies because i am always amazed by the creative power of people which they show through these kind of movies i sit silently and this how creative they are , how colorful there thoughts and expression are and how can think and express beautifully . I always wanted to be like them . so I use to watch these beautiful creativity of people and use to play little bit of physical games as I had an injury in my head from falling on my head which gave me scar in my forehead and a kind of slowness of action which was not productive for my instant actions required in games . I was not able to analyze the movement of objects in motion very accurately - Easy Interpretation - i was not able to catch the balls 

but i was the most youngest child of my family in boys club - and this is a very royal position as you are never responsible for anything - you are youngest and nobody will blame to you but your elder and you will get all the treats from everyone and will never have to share with anyone willingly and also you are the kid who will get maximum love and kiss from your elders and indeed I was the favorite grandchildren of my Grandmother and Grandfather also 

In my Country we have a saying whoever have Grace of Grandparents and parent  can never be defeated and this is very true with my life , I was all happy and all blessed with all the luxury and knowledge i use to receive from my life . well I have no bad story of dark  childhood so don't expect any dramatic life change father was a Government Employee - in a very high designation and always super busy and my room was filled with video games and stuff i couldn't count .

My Grandpa - as I already told he was a retired army person i learnt all my routine importance , discipline and dedication from his actions . he was very much healthy and very much strong all his life . 
he use to wake up early in the morning like 5 am and we use to go for our morning walk of about 5 - 8 kilo meters on daily basis without holidays of course. i use to play in the garden every morning and get secret gifts and treats early morning which only I and my grandpa knows , I have my pinky promise and I cannot disclose my treats as my brother and sister will see this article one day 

always Average in studies i never gave too much importance to my report card as I never faced any problem with memory , i use to learn my books and remember them easily so I get more time for play . My uncle was a very spiritual person , he use to practice astrology and energy healing and many people in hundreds use to collect in our place on Saturday and in fact people still collect on Saturdays at the place today also .
so my spirituality journey was very smooth and easy I got all the knowledge I can ever imagine and I got all the tools I ever required I never had any kind of need or requirement I could imagine as this world was not a big deal to me and I was not having any kind of trouble of a grown up person 

My Grandma - My grandma was a house lady , and she was a working always , she use to wake me up rubbing my back for several minutes and I always remember her hand on my back while i use to open my eyes , I still miss her amazing touch and love , i use to wake up and watch her meditate while she use to cover her face with Dupatta(cloth) and than she use to recite be BIBLE and GEETA - Holy books 
i use to read comics and do my homework in her presence and than on Saturdays and Sundays we use to go to top floor where we use to do spiritual activities for HOMA(Hawan) - Traditional Indian rituals for space and spirit cleansing . The last time i saw her i was in 5th standard , a very little me in pink as you can see in this picture and she was going to our village , for the last time she said goodbye to me and she might said " take care of yourself " i might not remember the last words but i still remember her eyes and the hand in my cheeks while i tried hard to go with her and grandpa . but as the village use to be inconvenient those days she didn't wanted me to come and that all I could do .

Her image to me was of a perfect women after all she is my teacher my mentor my advisor my first love and my pride and my honor , and she is my spirit guide now as I feel her presence , but the moment she left was very devastating for me , I don't know but i was connected more to my grandma than my mother , my mother is my diamond but she was my sun , I still feel that if she would be present with me till I became adult I would have won this world because she was my guarantee and my pillar I could never fall . but life happens it has to happen and after she left her physical body . Grandpa along with my family decided to leave that place and we shifted to another state and I recovered slowly . me as a person and as a introvert always talk less made only few friends as humans , more animal friends and always close to nature and this was the time i was very much concentrated about how people fee about me and how i should feel about them 
i use to stare at sky for hours and stare at books , my apetite was nothing , body wise i was just a skin on bone type person 

we are non vegetarians as per family , one day i took meat in plate and felt the pain of the bird which was in the plate as she was crying and shrieking for help , i was also able to see her struggling in death and this is the moment i started to have these clairvoyance messages which first of all made me a vegetarian and than my interest in knowing above this normal perception raised , but as i was not good with explaining what i felt i was forced to feed all the food which my family wanted for few more years , my body never accepted this food and i become bone and muscle and vomiting the food became my normal response . 

One fine day my father saw me eating fresh fruits in huge quantities and since that he never purchased fruits in less quantity and slowly i increased my weight , my appetite got normal , my past pain memories got faded and i became a sort of normal person with little sense of out of body sensations person .A good viewer of animal planet and discovery channel than i choose to become a doctor , but my father always wanted me to learn math's but i was more interested in study of healing science - took biology against his will and this was the time my father gave up my care because he knew he could not help me in this field and i took permission of my grandfather to study biology 

but this time life gave me an another blow , my pillar my grandpa got second attack of paralysis , first attack was very ,mild and recovered easily , but this time he was vey much disturbed as his limbs were not working 
WELL this was still a normal phase of life - he recovered about 60 percent he could walk and talk and he still use to soak almonds for me and peel the skin to feed me in the morning to make my mind sharper with his one hand only . 
see he was my pillar and i use to shave his beard and take care of him - my partner for life and with little efforts i got admission in homeopathy in the year 2008 , I always wanted to learn Ayurveda but never make much effort to prove my point and happily accepted what situation offered . 

Up to this point of life I was doing all my regular traditional meditation practices , performing my traditional rituals and did not think about anything named REIKI.

so i took admission and was sitting in my home and at that time i use to chat on social messenger of yahoo with random people for passing time , as internet was new at that time for us and computer work for home was just a new thing , I came to know about reiki . There was a Master near me who use to teach reiki and Kriya so i went there just to pass my time during holidays , i realized that these practice were part of my daily life already . i amount of training i received from my family was already and only few rituals i found was new .
This was the time i got my initiation up to level 3 and continued my life . i started going to medical school and it was very busy time i hardly got time for other things or say meditation , because grandpa required my presences at home i choose to daily travel from home to college for about 70 kms up and 70 kms down which use to take 4 hours just for travel 
so in a daily basis I use to wake up at 5 or 6 , do some breath exercise take my travel bus , meditate in bus during travel or sometimes sleep to complete my body rest  requirement - study in medical school return in night around 8 do homework play tricks on my mom and grandpa , tease my sister ,  and this was my daily routine - 3 years passed and everything was manageable and everything was doing good , on holidays i use to go to clinics of senior doctors to have practical knowledge , joined various energy healing groups , even homeopathy philosophy is very spiritual based so everything around me was about spirit and about awakening and healing . At this point of time I wanted to go little deep into the meaning of my senses and 2 events happen in my life which impacted me as a person very deeply .
i was exiting from examination room of my 3rd semester organon on medicine exam when i got the news from my family than grandpa fall in ground and his hip bone got broken , i went to hospital and he was talking very fine and said - Vishu if you get good marks in exam your Motorbike is confirmed and i was amazed not for the bike but he was fine 
tragically he got an attack in emergency room he was 82 has surgery was avoided so he was later advised to go home as no treatment could be done for him in the hospital . and doctor there said to my parents that take care of him during his last days - and i was devastated again and in this darkness god sent me a beautiful body of light (I don't want to tell her name) - but at this point i was living in very afraid way - i never wanted to loose my grandpa , i asked my teachers , mentors , energy healer friends and everyone to help my grandpa but despite of all the efforts for nearly 1 year he left me  , at the age of 83 my mentor , my best friend , my secret sharer left me . 
i fought with majority of my family members on his cremation day as they came to give sympathy and nobody came to help and this day was the last day i remember as a good person because i was very outrageous and feeling lost that day. i lost hope in homeopathy and energy healing and spirituality and everyone just because nothing helped me or my grandpa - but this was the time my beautiful love took care of me , my mother stood for me my sisters took care of me and my brother , but i was devastated inside despite everything was going good and my girl reminded me that grandpa last wish was you get good marks in exam and it was his last wish at all in the normal senses - so i just completed my studies with good marks and 3 years later when i got my doctor degree i even decided to open my clinic as i realized - we as a person are made to fail and grandpa have to go someday and i cannot live in past and for my love I have to establish myself and ask her hand from her day , but i never got to come out of the trauma of loosing people , I always use to think that i will loose everything although everything was going good - i am still confused was it a procrastination or an intuition
2 years of my clinic practice and i lost track of time , i use to spend hours in the clinic - i was always busy i started neglecting everyone  including my girl friend, my family members and i use to wake up all grumpy , as she was my junior in my college i use to degrade her efforts , today i feel very bad about these things but this is my life reality  , and i had an ego problem at that time i mistreated everyone including my father at that time and lost pretty much lost everyone one day . i was luck god helped me realise my mistakes and i thank everyone for forgetting about my mistakes and waiting for me to come back , and i thank my inner being to make me learn all this because of all these events i am what i am today .
 but if i talk about my past level analysis Till this time my brain was not about to realize the mistakes i was making , and despite giving 100% positive results in my clinic practice i lost all my practice , i remember i was sitting in the clinic alone for 40 days without having a single client .
i was trying my best , i was learning my best , i never cheated in my relationship still i am loosing everyone - why the hell - my mind said 
Is it because of lack of hard work , is it because of others and as usual i choose to blame others rather than looking inside of me . one of the reason is that i was very high energy and a disbalanced too at that same time also but i never knew how to use this gift i had other people blessing and healing never worked on me i use to feel like a phoenix burning itself and i could only use to pray i get reborn one day , Watching people aura , analyzing there energy by my clairvoyance was as easy as normal talking for mr  , and i went to several people who were in no comparison of my inner awakening and even they asked me to find another teacher as my realizations were beyond there imaginations , my energy was working beautifully for others but it was not working for me at all . 
as i realized my relationship problem was my mistake i accepted my mistake and i apologized , and fresh started it but whatever i use to do for clinic - marketing , renovations , more marketing , conferences , books , camps - no result occurred , my success was not appearing 
I went to various astrologist , healers , occult practitioners shamans and what not - I did several meditation retreats and many rituals with very few results - result use to come but for a small time and people use to make me fearful saying very big words that your some planet is in certain positions and that you will have this and that  , one day i want to an astrologer who heppened to be student of my uncle - he studied astrology from my uncle and was quiet sucessful , so happily i went to him , i introduced to him about myself and i told him about my uncle and he was very happy to meet me and he was very to the point in guiding me and helped me in my realizations - he told me as per astrology you can never get success , your all horoscope is full of obstacle and according to it he was very much surprised that till now i lived my life smoothly , i asked him 
Elder brother if my destination is worse - how success and happiness always guard me and never let me fall 
As he was student of my own uncle and was initiated in energy healing by him  he have to tell me the truth i want and he told be that divine grace is supreme and that force can heal any blockages to a point nobody can touch you - later i also found out about by tribe energy and experienced some out of body experiences by the direction he provided as he pointed me toward a exact path of traces later got responsible for all the gifts i posses today  and as i was free in my clinic i studied them all - i got certified in many thing and everything , slowly I reevaluated my energy healing sequences and build a spiritual routine for me which cured all my obstacles . 
but one damage was done till this time , i started to get fearful about my relationship and became too possessive over relationship issues and its security , i started blaming my partners , ,my friends because of my inner fear - i use to dictate everyone like  we should do this and that - to the point i became lifeless in actions - I lost my charisma my humor and all the joy got missing .
I was awarded mister personality in my early college , best dancer and mister farewell , i use to love travelling doing party with friends and talk extensively with friend and making jokes on every situation to the point I became lifeless with fear of loosing my loved ones 

People normally think that hate is the opposite of love but i experienced it very deeply fear is the opposite of love , if you love someone truly you can never fear of loosing them you will always know they are for you and they are with you .

My daily meditation and healing practices has given me clarity of life i used to think i had healed everything but life wanted to teach me my biggest lesson as i was very over emotional by the personal losses i faced ,  
so it happened  asked the girl  again for reunion and i promised to not be fearful as i realized i am the biggest problem in my own relationship - but there are many thing which started happen to me out of the box , not logical at all in this period - one day we cleared it out that we are 2 different personalities which were never meant to be together and if we life together it will not be good for both of us - Energetically i realized that our energy never matched - she use to get unbalanced in my presence to an extent that one day she got severely diseased , and to some extent she had a knowing that its because of me - i never tried to judge this statement because weather it was true or not she was definitely getting many troubles at that time and later i realized that she was telling true my energy was growing and was unbalanced at that moment and i havnt checked it yet after all these years but i believe that mother divine we one day send me my love of my life and i am personally waiting for that day , so thats all about this phase of life lets talk more deeply about the experience i recieved 
So  now by realization i have a experience to what extent energy can work ,it is true that energy is more important than material life  but i was still not convinced as I wanted guarantee of its work. 
i essentially wanted someone to work for me and i only wanted to enjoy the life for free . my mind started telling me out of the box ideas to avoid my Karma and not to follow my life path .

frankly speaking i was confused between energy healing and superstition 
I use to think that i will give money to a healer or a occultist and everything will work automatically and i would never have to do anything 
so this was my biggest learning and biggest mistake , and because of the mistake I lost a special person of my life - i realized i was holding something out of fear which actually should set free , realizing this i let the person free , i believe she be happy and healthy wherever she be 
when i entered to learn tantric(Occult) Practices i saw many things which normal people should not see but that was not my life path , luckily a monk one day appeared in my life - gave me my life path , taught me the process to live my life path and disappeared , i practiced for a huge time i remember meditating for up to 2 hours in a single sitting and up to 6 hours a day than slowly i started visiting high energy places for spirituality growth and opened my clinic again and today i help people to love in this duality world - i share them my learnings and i teach them the path i received from my masters and by my own realizations 
Practicing energy healing for this long time , today i can say that we live in many worlds together and we have to manage every world if we want to heal our entire life 
we have to accept the truth of life and understand that humans do have limitations , Divine presence is available to bless us , it is not any wish fulfillment machine 

Today on this day i am quiet a successful man i have balanced my life in every way possible , because of my inner awakening i truly know my life purpose and i try my best to make other people realize there life purpose .  I have an experience of 12 years of reiki , i have attuned 100 of students , i provide lifelong support to my students , i teach them all the topics which they need to learn , we meditate together on daily basis i have seen many miracles of healing , attained position of a grandmaster and have done many advanced spiritual activities such as astral travelling , Auto writing , magical experiences and much more i teach and advise everyone that spiritual healing must not be misunderstood with superstition , and to see miracles we have to work hard by ourself . 

remember you are the true magic , pixie dust is inside you only - people can only support you - you are the owner of your life and you can only heal it , rest everything is temporary 

For a complete and a balanced life - 4 type of yoga are very important 

Gnana Yoga - i read many traditional and religious scriptures , Vedas to the point i can understand , patanjali , Gautama Buddha ,few of my present day Favorite writers are Dr. wayne Dyer , Louise L hay , Sadhguru ,  Lotus Sutra and many books

Bhakti Yoga - since my childhood i have a deep faith in lord shiva and Lord vishnu 

Kriya Yoga - Reiki and srividya 

Karma yoga - I heal people as doctor and as a energy healer , I love animals and nature as i wake up daily divine give me opportunity to heal and express myself in a magical way 
i am very energy sensitive so I teach energy healing in very systematic way 

so this is my 30 years life story . and i thank you for reading it 
god bless you always 



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